When I saw a pack of 4 square corkboards at Target (4 for $6!), I decided I'd try to make my inspiration board into an inspiration piece all by itself.

This is what came of it! The top-left corner is covered in fabric (I wish I'd used a different adhesive - this was supposed to dry clear, but you can see it through the fabric. The rest of the boards, I originally stamped on the natural corkboard, but the ink/paint colors didn't show up very well once they'd dried. So I painted over them with a thin layer of white acrylic paint (thin so that the texture of the cork would show through) and tried it again. All of the images are from Fancy Pants, and the blue and green are Apple Barrel acrylic paints - the pink is Hibiscus pigment ink from Papertrey.
I'm excited to fill it up with inspiration - the green corner is my favorite!